Our friend, Walter Mayes, is in Publishers Weekly this week. This is a great article about how teens enjoy getting their hands on advance reader copies, like we provide in our BBYA (Best Books for Young Adults) collection for our students and our BBYA book club.
School Librarians Connect Kids with Galleys
And, our Holland and Grand Haven teens were featured in Publishers Weekly October 16th, for the release of John Green's new book, Paper Towns. They met him and narrator Dan John Miller in July when they came to town for the audio recording of the book, at Grand Haven's Brilliance Audio.
All Ears on 'Paper Towns'
Making the Switch
15 years ago
I agree that providing young readers with galleys is one of the most terrific initiatives publishing has going at the moment. HarperTeen's First Look program has also been supremely successful in stirring up passions for books that aren't set to hit the shelves for months.
A good thing. An important post.
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