Thursday, October 23, 2008

Knucklehead: Tall Tales and Almost True Stories of Growing Up Scieszka by Jon Scieszka

Lynn: My house is overflowing with Y chromosomes but this laugh-out-loud book is for anyone who is a guy or knows a guy! Jon Scieszka's tales of the 6 little boy Scieszka's growing up in Flint, Michigan is guaranteed to to make the crankiest grump feel better. I prescribe reading one of these short chapters after work/school every day to induce instant laughter. Caution - readers exposed to only a few pages may experience an overwhelming impulse to read the stories aloud to companions or even perfect strangers! I'm not sure what is funniest but it may be a tie between the chapter about 4 little boys all "crossing swords" or the chapter with the car trip, a Stuckey's pecan log and a barfing cat! I do know I laughed so hard that I got the hiccups!
Cindy: OMG. I am married to a knucklehead! He came from a family of six children, attended parochial school, and tried most of these stunts, I'm sure. The only saving grace for him (and me) is that four of his siblings were girls. I'm buying copies of this for all of them, and his mother and brother, for Christmas. Our family photo albums look just like Jon's photos. This is a guaranteed hit for reading aloud and would be a great stepping off point for journal entries or writing and storytelling assignments. The book design from the comic book format of the cover to the silhouettes of little green army guys scattered throughout is fabulous. I hope that little boys are still spending their summers being "wild explorers of the land" and are not parked in front of video games all summer--their stories just won't be as much fun when they are older otherwise. My husband is going to read this next, but I've already read half of it aloud to him. It won't matter, it'll be just as funny the second time around.


Cindy Dobrez and Lynn Rutan said...

My husband starting reading this last night and kept chuckling throughout. "Oh, I went through a lot of babysitters. There were a few I wanted to tie up, but didn't. One tied me up, though." And then he described some of the junk he bought from the backs of comics or by saving Bazooka gum wrappers. He said most of it was crap, but the flip up sun glasses were great for baseball!--Cindy